Canton Rodent Control Services

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Rodents are commonly found in many homes, yet they may go unnoticed until they cause undeniable damage. Their elusive and nocturnal nature is the main reason for that, but that does not mean you cannot identify their presence in good time. The trick is knowing the indications that they are around, which can vary depending on the type of rodent. 

A fast-responding company that can deliver Canton rodent control services efficiently is also a valuable resource to have. We have a dedicated team with excellent installation, repair, and rodent removal skills to respond to your call swiftly. 



  • Noise – Although small, rodents can make a distinctive noise to point to their location. You might hear them scurrying around, scratching, squeaking, or gnawing. Any unusual noise in the walls, attic, crawl spaces, or behind appliances is worth investigating further, followed by thorough rodent control services in Canton MI. 
  • Droppings – The likelihood of encountering rodent droppings where they frequent is high, one of the signs to check out. The animals leave droppings wherever they eat. Remove any droppings you find and organize a further inspection of the surrounding. Wear protective gear if you do not have a professional. 
  • Nests – Rodents like mice or squirrels build nests to protect themselves. They are likely to settle in voids in walls or other hidden spaces. You can trace such habitats by following food crumbs and chewed debris like paper or wood. Since rodents can chew anything on their path, including food packages, finding such a trail should be simple.



Hiring skilled personnel is best to get assured rodent control services in Canton MI. Moreover, you get all the information to help you prevent similar issues in the future.

  • We have a solid reputation backed by 5-star ratings
  • We only use quality products
  • We provide free estimates and inspection



As experts with Nuisance Wildlife Permit, we bring you outstanding repairs and unmatched Canton rodent control services. Wildlife X Team Southeast Michigan values customer satisfaction more than anything and does not disappoint. We are available at 810-534-7355 – contact us today.

Click Here to Email Us Now or Call us at 810.534.7355