Wildlife Control Career Opportunities

If you have the desire to learn, possess discipline, integrity, honesty, and some working knowledge of wildlife, plus a general knowledge about home repair, then you are the type of person we are seeking to work with our company. Our mission is to train and assist people with their wildlife control careers. We are not looking for someone that has in depth knowledge and experience with rebuilding houses, simply the skills to do repair when the job calls for it.

The biblical principles of our company are built on what we attribute our success to. If you are looking to join the wildlife community in a wildlife control career, then email us right away for more information! Wildlife X Team is committed to your success in a wildlife control career.

Requirements Include:
Must be able to lift 40 lbs
Must be able to climb and carry ladders
Must be familiar with hand tools
Must have current tetanus shot
Must be over 18
Must be able to pass a background check
Duties Typically Include:
Trapping & relocating wildlife
Climbing ladders
Climbing into small spaces
Cleaning animal feces
Removing dead animals
Minor repairs
Installing chimney caps
Bird control
Having a lot of fun!

Contact Us For More Information

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