Fenton Raccoon Removal Services

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Raccoons are nocturnal animals that can be found in urban areas and rural areas alike. If you notice a raccoon roaming around your neighborhood, it is best to call a professional for help with removal. We provide Fenton raccoon removal services to eliminate these masked invaders from your property as quickly and efficiently as possible so that they do not return to cause more problems!



Raccoons can cause a lot of damage to your home. They are known for tearing down walls and ripping through roofs as they try to find their way inside. But do not worry, whether you have one raccoon in your yard or an entire family living in your attic, our raccoon removal services in Fenton MI help you rid yourself of the problem once and for all:

  • Raccoon Eviction – We will remove the raccoons and their nests from your property using science-based methods based on our expert knowledge of wildlife behavior. Sometimes this may involve exclusionary techniques, trapping and relocating, and repellents.
  • Permanent Removal – Our Fenton raccoon removal services technicians make sure raccoons do not come back again by sealing off all entrances where they might be able to get inside and showing you ways to make your building less welcoming to them.
  • Humane Methods – We only use humane methods in our work, so that you do not have to worry about the health or safety of the animals we remove from your home.



We provide raccoon removal services in Fenton MI and around-the-clock phone support because we know how stressful seeing a potentially rabid raccoon can be! It is important to call in professionals instead of approach raccoons yourself for several reasons:

  • Raccoons can carry disease
  • The mother raccoon will become aggressive if you try to remove her babies
  • Raccoons are known to cause expensive structural damage to buildings and we also offer restoration work



We are always happy to provide free quotes for Fenton raccoon removal services for all our customers. Please reach out to the Wildlife X Team® SE Michigan at 810-534-7355 anytime!

Click Here to Email Us Now or Call us at 810.534.7355